Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Cliffnotes of the Zeitgeist. 80th Edition. Vanity.

Vanity of vanities, says Qoheleth, vanity of vanities! All things are vanity!


“Nobody likes a bad picture or painting of themselves, but the one in Colorado, in the State Capitol, put up by the Governor, along with all other Presidents, was purposefully distorted to a level that even I, perhaps, have never seen before,” Trump posted on Truth Social on Sunday night. “I would much prefer not having a picture than having this one.”

Time Magazine.

“My portrait of President Trump has been called thoughtful, non-confrontational, not angry, not happy, not tweeting,” Boardman said at the time. “In five, 10, 15, 20 years, he will be another President on the wall who is only historical background, and he needs to look neutral.”

The artist, as quoted in Time.

Last edition:

Cliffnotes of the Zeitgeist. 79th Edition. The Move along, nothing to see here addition.

Wednesday, March 26, 1975. A new king.

The 9th NVA Division attacked again at Chơn Thành Camp, apparently trying to retrieve disabled tanks, but was repulsed again by ARVN defenders.

Kissinger spoke to the press.

A Henry Kissinger Press Conference – March 26, 1975 – Past Daily Reference Room

Khalid ibn Abd al-Aziz al-Saud, the Crown Prince and the younger half-brother of King Faisal, was crowned as the new King of Saudi Arabia.

Clela Rorex, the County Clerk for Boulder County, Colorado. issued a marriage license to Dave McCord and Dave Zamora who had consulted with the county's District Attorney who decided that there was nothing in Colorado's law that prohibited same sex marriage.

It was the first same sex marriage license issued in the US.

On April 24, Colorado State Attorney General Joyce Murdoch invalidated the license, as well as five others issued by Rorex.

Jaws premiered in an advance screening.

The Biological Weapons Convention banning the production or use of biologcial weapons, entered into force by its own terms.

Last edition:

Tuesday, March 25, 1975. A murdered king and evacuations.

M38 A1s, National Museum of Military Vehicles.

M38A1 with a recoilless rifle.

The first automobile I ever owned was a M38A1.

The prototype for the modern Jeep, basically, it entered civilian use as the CJ5, after entering military use in 1952.  Doubtless examples are still in use, and civilians varians are still produced by Roxor in India.

 Last edition:

M151 Jeeps. National Museum of Military Vehicles.

Monday, March 26, 1945. Last action at Iwo Jima.

The Battle of Iwo Jima officially ended in a U.S. victory following a final Japanese suicide attack.  Japanese commander Tadamichi Kuribayashi is believed to have died on or around this date, probably killed in action.  Some Japanese holdouts would fight on beyond this date.

The Battle for Cebu City began in the Philippines.

The USS Halligan was irreparably damaged by a mine off of Okinawa.

The U-399 was sunk off of Land's End by the HMS Duckworth.

Last edition:

Sunday, March 25, 1945. Crossing the Rhine.

Friday. March 26, 1915. A view of Alsace.

The French took Hartmannswillerkopf  giving them an observation post for Alsace.

The town of Miami Beach, Florida was established.

Last edition:

Thursday, March 25, 1915. Loss of the F-4.

Saturday, March 26, 1910. The Immigration Act of 1910.

The Immigration Act of 1910 passed prohibiting entry into the United States of criminals, paupers, anarchists and diseased persons.

Court House Square, Shreveport, La.  March 26, 1910.

Panoramic view of San Antonio, Texas, March 26, 1910.

Last edition:

Wednesday, March 23, 1910. End of the Spanish Rif War, Kurosawa.

Friday. March 26, 1875. Violence in Texas.

Syngman Rhee or Lee Seungman (이승만) was born in Whanghai Province to Rhee Kyong-sun, a member of the aristocratic Yangban family.

Elected by the South Korean parliament in 1948, he'd assume dictatorial powers and govern the country until forced out of the country following student unrest in 1960.  He lived in Hawaii thereafter until his death in 1965.

In certain ways, Rhee symbolized a strategy that both Democratic and Republican administrations employed during the Cold War of supporting right wing autocrats in the belief that their countries would evolve into democracies.  In the case of South Korea, they were right.

Last edition:

Monday, March 26, 1725. Monday of Holy Week for 1725.

Last edition:

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

The Wyoming Legislature’s 2025 general session has ended

The Wyoming Legislature’s 2025 general session has ended: Lawmakers adjourned Thursday.

Wyo File.

Thank goodness.

Now it's a matter of seeing what remaining bills are signed by Governor Gordon, or allowed into law without his signature, or veteod.

Probably the least impressive legislature since the Johnson County War.  Still, a lot of the really bad legislation died.

Joan Barron: Maybe Next Year Will Be Better

March 13, 2025

Gordon Vetoes Attempt To Defund His Energy Project Program

March 17, 2025

Governor vetoes Wyoming lawmakers’ bill declaring abortion is not health care: Mark Gordon's decision comes as Wyoming Supreme Court prepares to hear challenge to two 2023 abortion bans.

March 19, 2025

Governor Gordon Defends Law Enforcement in Veto of Problematic Second Amendment Bill 

Governor signs bills banning sanctuary cities and ranked-choice voting 

CHEYENNE, Wyo. – In a public ceremony that included members of state, county, and municipal law enforcement, the Governor signed a letter vetoing Senate File 196 - Second Amendment Protection Act - amendments, calling the bill “overkill” that would punish first responders and threaten the cooperative work between Wyoming law enforcement officers and their federal partners.

“This Act takes aim at – and potentially vilifies – law enforcement if, in the process of working to apprehend, prosecute, and detain illegal aliens, drug mules, human traffickers, abusers, and other miscreants, they cooperate with the federal government and a gun is involved. Wyoming can do better,” the Governor wrote. 

Governor Gordon also signed nine bills today, including legislation banning sanctuary cities in Wyoming, prohibiting the use of private funds for elections, and a prohibition on ranked-choice voting.

The Governor also exercised his line-item veto authority on Senate File 169 - Strategic investments and projects account-repeal. The Governor left in place $10 million for the siting, design, construction, and operation of a new State Shooting Complex. However, he questioned the inclusion of the shooting complex by usurping the supplemental budget process, while the Legislature chose not to fund other capital construction projects, including a new veterans home.  

In his letter vetoing Sections 1, 2, and 3 of SF 169, the Governor says he has always supported simplicity in budgeting, but the repeal of the Strategic investments and projects (SIPA) account removes the ability of the Governor to use investment income that should be available to any Governor in recommending a budget.

“The effort seems counterintuitive and parochial, serving only the narrow focus of withholding revenue from the Executive Branch budgeting process while preserving it exclusively for the legislature’s priorities,” Governor Gordon wrote. “Wyoming is required to balance its budget with expenditures not exceeding income. That effort has always been a joint effort. Artificially constraining income to one branch breaks with that practice and will not necessarily result in a cleaner or a leaner budget.”

The Governor also vetoed Section 4 in the Act, which would have terminated the Wyoming State Penitentiary Account (WSPA), a subaccount of the SIPA. The preservation of the account will enable the Department of Corrections to fund integrated security improvements. 

The Governor signed the following bills today:


Enrolled Act Bill # Bill Title


HEA0062 HB0318 Maintenance of voter lists.

HEA0065 HB0228 Prohibition on private funds for conducting elections.

HEA0071 HB0165 Ranked choice voting-prohibition.

HEA0076 HB0133 Sanctuary cities, counties and state-prohibition.

SEA0073 SF0174 Constitutional apportionment of legislators.

SEA0074 SF0166 Political party formation-amendments.

SEA0077 SF0057 911 service reporting.

SEA0081 SF0032 Unpaved roads speed limits-amendments.

SEA0090 SF0160 Treatment courts-amendments-2.


The Governor vetoed the following bill. Click on the bill for the Governor’s letter:


SEA0082 SF0196 Second Amendment Protection Act-amendments.


The Governor exercised his line-item veto authority on the following bill. Click on the bill for the Governor’s letter. 


SEA0098 SF0169 Strategic investments and projects account-repeal.


The full text of all bills can be found on the Wyoming Legislature’s website. A list of bills the Governor has taken action on during the 2025 Legislative Session can be found on the Governor's website.

Banning ranked choice voting, done by this bill, really sucks and is anti democratic:


Bill NoHB0165





2025 General Session





AN ACT relating to elections; clarifying that elections shall not be conducted by ranked choice voting; clarifying that ballots are required to specify only one (1) vote per office to be filled; and providing for an effective date.


Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Wyoming:


Section 1.  W.S. 222117(a) and 226120(a)(xii) are amended to read:


222117.  Vote required for election; ratification.


(a)  Partisan and nonpartisan candidates who receive the largest number of votes for each office to be filled at the general election are elected. Nothing in this election code shall be deemed to authorize any election in Wyoming to be conducted through ranked choice voting. Any existing or future ordinance enacted or adopted by a county, municipality or any other governmental entity that purports to authorize ranked choice voting in violation of this subsection is void. As used in this subsection, "ranked choice voting" means a voting method that allows voters to rank candidates for an office in order of preference and has ballots cast to be tabulated in multiple rounds following the elimination of a candidate until the candidate or candidates with the most votes are declared winners, or any other system that allows a voter to vote for more than the number of candidates permitted to fill a particular office.


226120.  Format of general election ballot.


(a)  The general election ballot shall be printed in substantial compliance with this format:


(xii)  Adjacent to the description of any office shall be printed "Vote for one" or if the office is to be filled by more than one (1) candidate shall be printed "Vote For Not More Than", then the appropriate words and figures designating the proper number to be elected;


Section 2.  This act is effective July 1, 2025.




March 23, 2025

Forum shopping effort fails, as is obvious that it would:

Judge dismisses suit against Wyoming’s new anti-abortion laws: In Teton County, Judge Owens rules that the attempt to challenge two new laws properly belongs in Natrona County, site of the affected Wellspring clinic.

Making Wyoming's voting process more cumbersome to address a non existent problem here:

Governor allows proof of voter residency, citizenship requirement to become law without signature: Mark Gordon questioned the legality of the bill’s 30-day durational residency requirement.

March 25, 2025

With final bills signed and vetoed, the Legislature switches focus to the ‘off season’

And with this, we conclude the threads on the 2025 Wyoming Legislative Session.

Last edition:

The 2025 Wyoming Legislative Session. Week 7. Vetoes.

Blog Mirror: Congressman Hageman cancels in person events.

Congressman Hageman has cancelled in person events, asserting that there have been threats of violence:

Hageman Plans Future Events to Be Held Virtually Because of Democrat Threats of Violence

March 25, 2025 

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Harriet Hageman (R-WY) today announced her office is changing the way town hall meetings with constituents are conducted, at least in the short-term, based on recent incidents at public events, credible threats to Hageman, and the related national outbursts of politically motivated violence and attempts at intimidation. Until now, Hageman has held town hall meetings in person in public venues, but that will shift to tele-town halls or virtual settings until it is safer for all Wyomingites. Hageman had previously announced town hall meetings on March 28 in Cheyenne and March 29 in Torrington, both will now be held via tele town hall at the same date and times as previously announced. Laramie County residents may sign up here and Goshen County residents may sign up here.

Since running for Congress in 2022, Hageman has held 75 in-person town halls, with at least three occurring in each of Wyoming’s 23 counties. Over that time, 73 of those meetings have occurred without incident, even though there has been spirited discussion with constituents at each one. In the past week, however, one town hall erupted in chaos fomented by activists, resulting in tense confrontations that threatened to spiral out of control.

At a town hall in Laramie on March 19, hundreds of protestors organized by the local Albany County Democratic Party and national influencers made such consistent and sustained disruptions that “shouts, boos and explicit language filled the theater,” according to local news coverage

Because of the events in Laramie, more than 20 officers from multiple agencies were assigned to keep the peace at a town hall in Wheatland the next day on March 20. Despite the law enforcement presence, an attendee followed Hageman leaving the venue and initiated a physical confrontation with staff, into which local police were forced to intervene. Hageman also reported that staff in her Washington, D.C. and Wyoming offices have received numerous, credible threatening phone calls and emails, currently being investigated by multiple law enforcement agencies. 

“I thank our wonderful law enforcement community for their willingness to support the public and myself while participating in our government process. It has become apparent, however, that the continuation of in-person town halls will be a drain on our local resources due to safety concerns for attendees,” said Hageman.

While the organized protests in Wyoming are jeopardizing the safety of members of the community, national Democratic Party leaders continue to encourage public eruptions and interruptions of what can be described as civil unrest, at best, or domestic terrorism, at worst.

The Democratic Minority Leader in the Senate, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), has not been subtle about the party’s plans to try to use public events as forums for intimidation.

“We have people going into Republican districts and going after these Republicans who are voting for [the Trump agenda],” he said on PBS Newshou. “And forcing them to either change their vote or face the consequences.”

There have been many documented incidents of politically motivated firebombing or other vandalism at Tesla dealerships, both in the U.S. and in other countries. Also, disturbingly, there has been a dramatic increase in incidents of “swatting aimed at conservative media figures or notable Republicans. Swatting is the terroristic practice of calling in false police reports of a domestic hostage situation, a potential murder-suicide crisis, or other public safety emergencies, in order to draw an armed law enforcement response to an otherwise peaceful and unsuspecting residence. In such swatting situations, the potential for gunfire and harm to innocent citizens or law enforcement officers is extremely high.  An incident at Hageman’s Cheyenne home in the last week confirms that she is the target of this national trend.

Hageman further explained why she is making changes to the town hall format.

“As the saying goes, ‘This is why we can’t have nice things,’” said Hageman. “I am proud of my record of holding dozens and dozens of town halls – 75 of them in just three years, at least three times in each of Wyoming’s 23 counties. And the only times we have had any problems with safety have been at two of the six held in the last week.”

“It’s no secret that I am willing to engage with citizens on any topic, in any place. But I draw the line when organized protestors intentionally create confrontation and chaos, escalating tensions to a point where violence seems inevitable,” Hageman continued. “It’s not safe for the peaceful citizens who want to come out to speak to their elected representative face to face. It’s not safe for attendees, it’s not safe for law enforcement, and it doesn’t do anything to encourage a meaningful dialogue at all.”

“For the time being, our town halls will be conducted in a safe virtual environment or in a tele-town hall format, until such time as it seems safe to resume in-person events,” Hageman concluded. “And because of that, I am formally calling on Sen. Schumer and his leadership counterpart in the House, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, to denounce their party’s organized disruptors and crime. A failure to do so will only further confirm that the left’s radical tactics are no longer on the fringe but the mainstay of the Democratic party and prove once again their disdain for the First Amendment and legitimate political discourse. It is time for them to demand that their partisans stop threatening and intimidating people and causing actual violence before someone gets seriously injured or killed.” 


Contact: Esteban Elizondo, Communications Director

That things are getting extremely polarized is no surprise.  It's hard not to note that the 2020 insurrection was the first act of contemporary violence in this cycle.  Congressman Hageman ran into some pretty heated discussions in Laramie, but something that wasn't reported on was that she also had in Evanston and Rock Springs.  The natives are getting restless, particularly as by and large a lot of people really didn't vote for Trumpism as they didn't, and still don't, really know what it is, as they didn't, and still don't, know what National Conservatism is.

And, frankly, when people say "the government is too big", and things like that, they haven't thought it through, and often don't really mean it.

It's also interesting to note that what might be called, legitimately, terroristic acts against Tesla, and hence Musk, are on the rise, including interestingly enough in Wyoming, where up until now, having a Tesla branded a person as sort of a progressive.  Somebody painted swastikas on Tesla chargers in Rock Springs.  Tesla owners are noting that they had them before Musk was a Trumpite, which is a bit of a lame excuse as Musk has been peculiar for quite some time.  Terrorism is never justified, but like guerillas, they swim in the sea of the population, and you really can't have them until there's a fair number of people in the population such that they have some level of support.  The last time we saw this was in the 1970s when quite a few far left terrorist organizations sprang up.  They never had widespread support, but they had wide enough support that they were able to exist.

Cliffnotes of the Zeitgeist. 79th Edition. The Move along, nothing to see here addition.

March 24, 2025

The world found out shortly before 2 p.m. eastern time on March 15 that the United States was bombing Houthi targets across Yemen.

I, however, knew two hours before the first bombs exploded that the attack might be coming. The reason I knew this is that Pete Hegseth, the secretary of defense, had texted me the war plan at 11:44 a.m. The plan included precise information about weapons packages, targets, and timing.

This is going to require some explaining.

The Trump Administration Accidentally Texted Me Its War Plans.  Jeffrey Goldberg, editor in chief of The Atlantic.

Predictably, the Administration denied this occurred, and rushed to discredit Jeffrey Goldberg.  However, then the government confirmed it happened, thereby making Pete Hegseth a liar, and making Karoline Leavitt look like a bigger hack than she already does.


This same administration has been threatening to prosecute "leakers".